Monday February 17th 1975 was the beginning of my career, and the start of my nurse training at St Bartholomew’s Hospital in the City of London. A group of 38 of us entered Preliminary training School (PTS), an eight-week period of classroom learning before being let loose on the wards. We were almost all in our late teens or early twenties and unmarried (although one girl was 25 and – horror of horrors – divorced!) It was the first time away from home for many of us and out tutors acted in loco parentis. Great excitement ensued as we were given our uniforms and taught how to make up our caps from a starched square of thick white cotton. We had our hair length assessed and if it was on our collars, we were required to tie it up under the cap. Skirt length of our uniform dresses was actually measured and had to sit on the knee when standing straight. Any ladders in our black stockings meant we had to change them to ensure we looked professional. We even had our nail length and the amount of make up (discouraged) examined. No perfume was allowed at all as it could adversely affect some patients. Those first few weeks were exhausting, somewhat frightening but entirely exhilarating as we prepared to go out into practice for the first time. We received lectures from our tutors and some medical consultants, clinical skills were taught by the clinical tutors who would accompany us to the wards later, and we also had sessions on looking after ourselves. The Nursing Officer for Obstetrics and Gynaecology came to talk to us about “family planning”, her advice being “the best form of contraception, girls, is NO!” We also had sessions from local groups such as historians and one of the City of London’s ancient Livery companies. Those eight weeks provided us with a wonderful foundation of professionalism and basic knowledge that would stand us in good stead for the rest of our careers.
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